Private enterprise clouds can be adopted in cost-effective ways

Cloud Industry
January 22, 2014

One of the biggest things businesses focus on is how to save money. If there is a more cost-effective way to get something done within the organization, it is generally in the best interest of the powers-that-be to check it out. With more advancements being made available in modern technology than ever before, there are plenty of ways that this can be accomplished – especially in the way of storage and app deployment.

According to Business​ 2 Community contributor Danny Walker, one of the biggest ways that companies can save money in 2014 is to pursue hosted enterprise cloud solutions. Reduced licensing fees, improved scalability and constant support are all beneficial to the bottom dollar in one way or another. But not all cloud spaces operate in the same way, and choosing the wrong provider or infrastructure could be disastrous for the organization in the long run. The best way to capitalize on the advantages that cloud technology has to offer is to seek out private architecture, which is ultimately more secure and better performing than public servers.

But according to EdTech contributor Alan Joch, while private cloud adoptions “make sense” – namely in terms of security – there are still many considerations to make. Migration to enterprise-class cloud computing might be so far off of the radar for non-IT decision-makers that it could appear to be an extravagance. What should be understood is that these technologies are beginning to catch on in a widespread fashion, and for companies to stay on the cutting edge, this move must be made in spite of perceived risks.

There is, however, a solution that will allow for adaption to the times while keeping finances in mind. There is an old saying: “Slow and steady wins the race.” That kind of attitude definitely applies to IT departments in terms of private cloud adoptions.

Budget issues can be circumvented
The business world is at an interesting juncture. There are so many recent technological advents that demand implementation for the sake of staying relevant, but there are so few funds to do so. This can be an especially difficult situation when legacy systems are working “just fine.” Sure, everything is okay now, but those dated circuits are only going to be compatible with the evolving needs of the workplace for so much longer before becoming completely obsolete. The time to seek out a cloud service provider is now, but the budget might not be in the proper shape to take on a massive overhaul.

According to Joch, however, the solution lies in facilitating trust with superiors. “An incremental approach” will be necessary in cases where money is too tight to make an outright change. This allows for companies to slowly begin to learn about how cloud servers can benefit their operation without feeling like there is too much at stake. Joch said that this may still require some budget reprovisioning, but the potential benefits are well worth the effort.

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