Five Benefits of Having a DR Strategy in Place

Cloud Industry, IT Challenges
January 29, 2018

You read about it all the time – outages happen and take companies down for minutes, hours, and sometimes days or even shut them down completely. This kind of threat is something that although cannot be avoided 100% of the time, it’s definitely something you can plan for.

Think of Disaster Recovery like you would an insurance policy: a smart (and necessary) move, although it may be an expense you aren’t thrilled about. It serves a great purpose, and if disaster ever does strike – you’ll be glad you decided to move forward with implementing DR.

Having a plan in place to handle disruptive incidents could be the difference between being offline for a brief amount of time, versus a detrimental length of time.

Disruptive incidents can be anything that puts an organization’s operations at risk, such as:

  • Loss of personnel
  • Loss of facilities
  • Loss of access to data or applications
  • Equipment failure
  • Natural disasters
  • Cyberattacks (ransomware)

So why should you consider implementing a DR strategy? Let’s review five benefits of having a DR strategy in place.

  1. Mitigating risk, such as snapshots or mirror copy failure & corruption, human error, hardware failure or poorly documented communication.
  2. Minimizing downtime: keeping your business online!
  3. Insuring against natural disasters by having geographic diversity: storing copies of your data in several locations.
  4. Having the ability to withstand human error or physical impact on a production environment.
  5. Limit the effect on business or downstream customers.

If you think it’s time you finally explore the options available to you, let’s chat! Faction is partnered with industry leaders for DR solutions and can help your organization implement the right solution.

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